Source code for adtk.pipe._pipe

"""Module for model pipeline and pipenet.

Pipeline or Pipenet connects multiple models (transformers, detectors, and/or
aggregators) into a "super" model that may perform complex anomaly detection

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from tabulate import tabulate

from .._aggregator_base import _Aggregator
from .._base import _Model, _TrainableModel
from .._detector_base import (  # _NonTrainableMultivariateDetector,
from .._transformer_base import (
from ..metrics import f1_score, iou, precision, recall

_Detector = (
    # _NonTrainableMultivariateDetector,
_Transformer = (

[docs]class Pipeline: """A Pipeline object chains transformers and a detector sequentially. Parameters ---------- steps: list of 2-tuples (str, object) Components of this pipeline. Each 2-tuple represents a step in the pipeline (step name, model object). Examples -------- >>> steps = [('moving average', RollingAggregate(agg='mean', window=10)), ('filter quantile 0.99', QuantileAD(high=0.99))] >>> myPipeline = Pipeline(steps) """ def __init__(self, steps: List[Tuple[str, _Model]]) -> None: self.steps = steps self._pipenet = Pipenet() self._update_internal_pipenet() def _update_internal_pipenet(self) -> None: pipenet_steps = dict() last_name = "original" for pipeline_step in self.steps: pipenet_steps.update( { pipeline_step[0]: { "model": pipeline_step[1], "input": last_name, } } ) last_name = pipeline_step[0] self._pipenet.steps = pipenet_steps
[docs] def fit( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], skip_fit: Optional[List[str]] = None, return_intermediate: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Optional[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]]: """Train all models in the pipeline sequentially. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series used to train models. skip_fit: list, optional Models to skip training. This could be used when pipeline contains models that are already trained by the same time series, and re- training would be time consuming. It must be a list of strings where each element is a model name. Default: None. return_intermediate: bool, optional Whether to return intermediate results. Default: False. Returns ------- dict, optional If return_intermediate=True, return intermediate results generated during training as a dictionary where keys are step names. If a step does not perform transformation or detection, the result of that step will be None. """ self._update_internal_pipenet() return ts=ts, skip_fit=skip_fit, return_intermediate=return_intermediate )
[docs] def detect( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], return_intermediate: bool = False, return_list: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], ], ], Dict[ str, Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[ Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp] ], ], ], ], ]: """Transform time series sequentially along pipeline, and detect anomalies with the last detector. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series to detect anomalies from. return_intermediate: bool, optional Whether to return intermediate results. Default: False. return_list: bool, optional Whether to return a list of anomalous events, or a binary series indicating normal/anomalous. Default: False. Returns ------- pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, list, or dict Detected anomalies. - If return_intermediate=False, return detected anomalies, i.e. result from last detector. - If return_intermediate=True, return results of all models in pipeline as a dict where each item represents the result of a model. - If return_list=False, result from a detector or an aggregator will be a binary pandas Series indicating normal/anomalous. - If return_list=True, result from a detector or an aggregator will be a list of events where an event is a pandas Timestamp if it is instantaneous or a 2-tuple of pandas Timestamps if it is a closed time interval. """ self._update_internal_pipenet() return self._pipenet.detect( ts=ts, return_intermediate=return_intermediate, return_list=return_list, )
[docs] def transform( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], return_intermediate: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], ]: """Transform time series sequentially along pipeline. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series to be transformed return_intermediate: bool, optional Whether to return intermediate results. Default: False. Returns ------- pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, or dict Transformed time series. - If return_intermediate=False, return transformed series, i.e. result from last transformer; - If return_intermediate=True, return results of all models in pipeline as a dict where each item represents the result of a model. """ self._update_internal_pipenet() return self._pipenet.transform( ts=ts, return_intermediate=return_intermediate )
[docs] def fit_detect( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], skip_fit: Optional[List[str]] = None, return_intermediate: bool = False, return_list: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], ], ], Dict[ str, Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[ Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp] ], ], ], ], ]: """Train models in pipeline sequentially, transform time series along pipeline, and use the last detector to detect anomalies. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series to detect anomalies from. skip_fit: list, optional Models to skip training. This could be used when pipeline contains models that are already trained by the same time series, and re- training would be time consuming. It must be a list of strings where each element is a model name. Default: None. return_intermediate: bool, optional Whether to return intermediate results. Default: False. return_list: bool, optional Whether to return a list of anomalous events, or a binary series indicating normal/anomalous. Default: False. Returns ------- pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, list, or dict Detected anomalies. - If return_intermediate=False, return detected anomalies, i.e. result from last detector. - If return_intermediate=True, return results of all models in pipeline as a dict where each item represents the result of a model. - If return_list=False, result from a detector or an aggregator will be a binary pandas Series indicating normal/anomalous. - If return_list=True, result from a detector or an aggregator will be a list of events where an event is a pandas Timestamp if it is instantaneous or a 2-tuple of pandas Timestamps if it is a closed time interval. """ self._update_internal_pipenet() return self._pipenet.fit_detect( ts=ts, skip_fit=skip_fit, return_intermediate=return_intermediate, return_list=return_list, )
[docs] def fit_transform( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], skip_fit: Optional[List[str]] = None, return_intermediate: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], ]: """Train models in pipeline sequentially, and transform time series along pipeline. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series to be transformed. skip_fit: list, optional Models to skip training. This could be used when pipeline contains models that are already trained by the same time series, and re- training would be time consuming. It must be a list of strings where each element is a model name. Default: None. return_intermediate: bool, optional Whether to return intermediate results. Default: False. Returns ------- pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, or dict Transformed time series. - If return_intermediate=False, return transformed series, i.e. result from last transformer; - If return_intermediate=True, return results of all models in pipeline as a dict where each item represents the result of a model. """ self._update_internal_pipenet() return self._pipenet.fit_transform( ts=ts, skip_fit=skip_fit, return_intermediate=return_intermediate )
[docs] def score( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], anomaly_true: Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], ], ], scoring: str = "recall", **kwargs: Any ) -> Union[float, Dict[str, float]]: """Detect anomalies and score the results against true anomalies. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series to detect anomalies from. anomaly_true: pandas Series or list True anomalies. - If pandas Series, it is treated as a series of binary labels. - If list, a list of events where an event is a pandas Timestamp if it is instantaneous or a 2-tuple of pandas Timestamps if it is a closed time interval. scoring: str, optional Scoring function to use. Must be one of "recall", "precision", "f1", and "iou". See module `metrics` for more information. Default: "recall" **kwargs Optional parameters for scoring function. See module `metrics` for more information. Returns ------- float Score of detection result. """ if scoring == "recall": scoring_func = recall # type: Callable elif scoring == "precision": scoring_func = precision elif scoring == "f1": scoring_func = f1_score elif scoring == "iou": scoring_func = iou else: raise ValueError( "Argument `scoring` must be one of 'recall', 'precision', " "'f1' and 'iou'." ) if isinstance(anomaly_true, pd.Series): return scoring_func( y_true=anomaly_true, y_pred=self.detect(ts, return_list=False), **kwargs ) else: return scoring_func( y_true=anomaly_true, y_pred=self.detect(ts, return_list=True), **kwargs )
[docs] def get_params(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Get parameters of models in pipeline. Returns ------- dict A dictionary of model name and model parameters. """ self._update_internal_pipenet() return self._pipenet.get_params()
[docs]class Pipenet: """A Pipenet object connects transformers, detectors and aggregators. Parameters ---------- steps: dicts Components of the pipenet. Each key-value item represents a step ( transformer, detector, or aggregator), where key is the unique name of the step and the value is a dict with the following key-value pairs: - input (str or list of str): Input to the model, which must be either 'original' (i.e. the input time series), or the name of a upstream component. - subset (str, list of str, or list of lists of str, optional): If a model does not use all series from an input component, use this field to specify which series should be included. If not given or "all", all series from the input component will be used. - model (object): A detector, transformer, or aggregator object. Attributes ---------- steps_graph_: OrderedDict Order of steps to be executed. Keys are step names, values are 2-tuple (i, j) where i is the index of execution round and j is the the index within a round. final_step_: str Name of the final step to be executed. It is the single step in the last round of execution in attribute `steps_graph_`. Examples -------- The following example show how to use a Pipenet to build a level shift detector with some basic transformers, detectors, and aggregator. >>> from adtk.detector import QuantileAD, ThresholdAD >>> from adtk.transformer import DoubleRollingAggregate >>> from adtk.aggregator import AndAggregator >>> from adtk.pipe import Pipenet >>> steps = { "diff_abs": { "input": "original", "model": DoubleRollingAggregate( agg="median", window=20, center=True, diff="l1", ), }, "quantile_ad": { "input": "diff_abs", "model": QuantileAD(high=0.99, low=0), }, "diff": { "input": "original", "model": DoubleRollingAggregate( agg="median", window=20, center=True, diff="diff", ), }, "sign_check": { "input": "diff", "model": ThresholdAD(high=0.0, low=-float("inf")), }, "and": { "model": AndAggregator(), "input": ["quantile_ad", "sign_check"], }, } >>> myPipenet = Pipenet(steps) """ def __init__( self, steps: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None ) -> None: if steps is None: self.steps = dict() else: self.steps = steps self._validate() def _validate(self) -> None: """ Check the following issues and raise error if found - steps is not a list of dict - some step does not have required keys - some step has invalid keys other than required and optional keys - some step's `name` is not str - some steps have duplicated name - some step uses reserved name - some step's `input` is not str or list of str - some step's `input` is not a step name or "original" - some step's `subset` (optional) is not a str ("all"), or a list of (str ("all") or list of str) - some step's `subset` does not have the same length as `input` - aggregator has a `subset` field - some step's `model` is not a valid ADTK model object - upstream of a transformer or a detector must be a transformer - upstream of aggregator must be a detector or an aggregator Create a directed graph of model execution flowchart, when following issues will be checked: - some step cannot be reached - more than one outlet steps found """ # check if step is a dict if not isinstance(self.steps, dict): raise TypeError("`steps` must be a dict objects.") if not all([isinstance(value, dict) for value in self.steps.values()]): raise TypeError("Values of dict `steps` must be dict objects.") # check if each step has valid keys if not all( [ {"model", "input"} <= step.keys() <= {"model", "input", "subset"} for step in self.steps.values() ] ): raise KeyError( "Each step must be a dict object with keys `model`, `input`, " "and `subset` (optional)." ) # check if each step has valid name if not all( [isinstance(step_name, str) for step_name in self.steps.keys()] ): raise TypeError("Model name must be a string.") if any([step_name == "original" for step_name in self.steps.keys()]): raise ValueError( "'original' is a reserved name for original time series input " "and you may not use it as a model name." ) # check if each step has valid input def islistofstr(li: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(li, list): return False if not all([isinstance(x, str) for x in li]): return False return True if not all( [ isinstance(step["input"], str) or islistofstr(step["input"]) for step in self.steps.values() ] ): raise TypeError( "Field `input` must be a string or a list of strings." ) name_set = set(self.steps.keys()).union({"original"}) for step in self.steps.values(): if ( isinstance(step["input"], str) and (step["input"] not in name_set) ) or ( isinstance(step["input"], list) and (not set(step["input"]) <= name_set) ): raise ValueError( "Field `input` must be 'original' or name of a model." ) # check if only one step is not used as input (so it is the output) for step in self.steps.values(): if isinstance(step["input"], str): name_set = name_set - {step["input"]} else: name_set = name_set - set(step["input"]) if len(name_set) > 1: raise ValueError( "Pipenet output is ambiguous: " "found more than one steps with no downstream step: {}.".format( name_set ) ) # check if each step has a valid subset, or has no subset (then we # will add default one to it) for step_name, step in self.steps.items(): if isinstance(step["input"], str): if "subset" not in step.keys(): pass elif not ( ( isinstance(step["subset"], str) or islistofstr(step["subset"]) ) ): raise TypeError( "Field `subset` at step '{}' is invalid.".format( step_name ) ) elif isinstance(step["subset"], str) and ( step["subset"] != "all" ): raise ValueError( "A subset corresponding to an input source must be " "'all' or a list of strings (even if there is only " "one element)." ) else: if "subset" not in step.keys(): pass elif isinstance(step["subset"], str): if step["subset"] == "all": pass else: raise ValueError( "Field `subset` at step '{}' is invalid.".format( step_name ) ) elif isinstance(step["subset"], list): if len(step["input"]) != len(step["subset"]): raise ValueError( "Fields `input` and `subset` are inconsistent at " "step '{}'.".format(step_name) ) for subset in step["subset"]: if not ( (isinstance(subset, str) or islistofstr(subset)) ): raise TypeError( "Field `subset` at step '{}' is invalid.".format( step_name ) ) if isinstance(subset, str) and (subset != "all"): raise ValueError( "A subset corresponding to an input source " "must be 'all' or a list of strings (even if " "there is only one element)." ) else: raise TypeError( "Field `subset` at step '{}' is invalid.".format( step_name ) ) # check if each step has valid model if not all( [isinstance(step["model"], _Model) for step in self.steps.values()] ): raise ValueError( "Model must be a detector, transformer, or aggregator object." ) # check: # 1. upstream of transformer and detector must be transformer, or input # 2. upstream of aggregator must be detector or aggregator for step_name, step in self.steps.items(): if isinstance(step["model"], (_Detector, _Transformer)): if isinstance(step["input"], str): if step["input"] == "original": pass elif not isinstance( self.steps[step["input"]]["model"], _Transformer ): raise TypeError( "Model in step '{}' cannot accept output from " "step '{}'.".format(step_name, step["input"]) ) else: for input in step["input"]: if input == "original": pass elif not isinstance( self.steps[input]["model"], _Transformer ): raise TypeError( "Model in step '{}' cannot accept output from " "step '{}'.".format(step_name, input) ) elif isinstance(step["model"], _Aggregator): if isinstance(step["input"], str): if (step["input"] == "original") or ( not isinstance( self.steps[step["input"]]["model"], (_Detector, _Aggregator), ) ): raise TypeError( "Model in step '{}' cannot accept output from " "step '{}'.".format(step_name, step["input"]) ) else: for input in step["input"]: if (input == "original") or ( not isinstance( self.steps[input]["model"], (_Detector, _Aggregator), ) ): raise TypeError( "Model in step '{}' cannot accept output from " "step '{}'.".format(step_name, input) ) # sort out graph done_step = OrderedDict({"original": (0, 0)}) counter = 0 while True: counter += 1 sub_counter = 0 done_step_name_up_to_last_round = set(done_step.keys()) for step_name, step in self.steps.items(): if step_name in done_step_name_up_to_last_round: continue if isinstance(step["input"], str): if step["input"] in done_step_name_up_to_last_round: done_step.update({step_name: (counter, sub_counter)}) sub_counter += 1 else: if set(step["input"]) <= done_step_name_up_to_last_round: done_step.update({step_name: (counter, sub_counter)}) sub_counter += 1 if len(done_step) == len(self.steps) + 1: break if sub_counter == 0: raise ValueError( "The following step(s) cannot be reached: {}.".format( set(self.steps.keys()) - set(done_step.keys()) ) ) self.steps_graph_ = done_step.copy() self.final_step_ = list(self.steps_graph_.keys())[-1] @staticmethod def _get_input( step: Dict[str, Any], results: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Given a step block and an intermediate results dict, get the input of this step based on fields `input` and `subset`. """ if isinstance(step["model"], (_Detector, _Transformer)): if isinstance(step["input"], str): if ("subset" not in step.keys()) or (step["subset"] == "all"): input = results[step["input"]] else: if len(step["subset"]) == 1: input = results[step["input"]][step["subset"][0]] else: input = results[step["input"]][step["subset"]] else: if ("subset" not in step.keys()) or (step["subset"] == "all"): input = pd.concat( [results[input_name] for input_name in step["input"]], axis=1, ) else: input = pd.concat( [ results[input_name] if subset == "all" else ( results[input_name][subset[0]] if len(subset) == 1 else results[input_name][subset] ) for input_name, subset in zip( step["input"], step["subset"] ) ], axis=1, ) elif isinstance(step["model"], _Aggregator): if isinstance(step["input"], str): input = {step["input"]: results[step["input"]]} else: input = { input_name: results[input_name] for input_name in step["input"] } return input
[docs] def fit( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], skip_fit: Optional[List[str]] = None, return_intermediate: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Optional[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]]: """Train models in the pipenet. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series used to train models. skip_fit: list, optional Models to skip training. This could be used when pipenet contains models that are already trained by the same time series, and re- training would be time consuming. It must be a list of strings where each element is a model name. Default: None. return_intermediate: bool, optional Whether to return intermediate results. Default: False. Returns ------- dict, optional If return_intermediate=True, return intermediate results generated during training as a dictionary where keys are step names. If a step does not perform transformation or detection, the result of that step will be None. """ self._validate() if skip_fit is None: skip_fit = [] if not isinstance(skip_fit, list): raise TypeError("Parameter `skip_fit` must be a list.") if not set(skip_fit) <= set(self.steps.keys()): raise ValueError("Name(s) in `skip_fit` is not valid model name.") # determine the step needing fit and/or predict need_fit = { step_name: ( isinstance(step["model"], _TrainableModel) & (step_name not in skip_fit) ) for step_name, step in self.steps.items() } need_predict = {step_name: False for step_name in self.steps.keys()} for step_name in list(self.steps_graph_.keys())[:0:-1]: if need_fit[step_name] or need_predict[step_name]: if isinstance(self.steps[step_name]["input"], str): input = self.steps[step_name]["input"] if input != "original": need_predict[input] = True else: for input in self.steps[step_name]["input"]: if input != "original": need_predict[input] = True # run fit or fit_predict results = {"original": ts.copy()} for step_name in list(self.steps_graph_.keys())[1:]: step = self.steps[step_name] if not (need_fit[step_name] or need_predict[step_name]): results.update({step_name: None}) continue input = self._get_input(step, results) if need_fit[step_name] and (not need_predict[step_name]): step["model"].fit(input) results.update({step_name: None}) elif (not need_fit[step_name]) and need_predict[step_name]: results.update({step_name: step["model"].predict(input)}) else: results.update({step_name: step["model"].fit_predict(input)}) # return intermediate results if return_intermediate: return results else: return None
def _predict( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], fit: bool, detect: bool, skip_fit: Optional[List[str]], return_intermediate: bool, return_list: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], ], ], Dict[ str, Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[ Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp] ], ], ], ], ]: """ Private method for detect, transform, fit_detect, fit_transform Parameters ---------- fit: bool Whether this call is for fit_detect/fit_transform or detect/transform. detect: bool Whether this call is for detect/fit_detect or transform/fit_transform. Others: Same as higher-level calls Returns ------- Same as higher-level calls """ self._validate() if skip_fit is None: skip_fit = [] if not isinstance(skip_fit, list): raise TypeError("Parameter `skip_fit` must be a list.") if not set(skip_fit) <= set(self.steps.keys()): raise ValueError("Name(s) in `skip_fit` is not valid model name.") last_step_name = list(self.steps_graph_.keys())[-1] if detect: if isinstance(self.steps[last_step_name]["model"], _Transformer): raise RuntimeError( "This seems a transformation pipenet, " "because model at the final step '{}' is a transformer. " "Please use method `{}transform` instead.".format( last_step_name, "fit_" if fit else "" ) ) else: if isinstance( self.steps[last_step_name]["model"], (_Detector, _Aggregator) ): raise RuntimeError( "This seems a detection pipenet, " "because model at the final step '{}' is " "either a detector or an aggregator. " "Please use method `{}detect` instead.".format( last_step_name, "fit_" if fit else "" ) ) results = { "original": ts.copy() } # type: Dict[str,Union[pd.Series,pd.DataFrame,List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[str, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]]]]] for step_name in list(self.steps_graph_.keys())[1:]: step = self.steps[step_name] input = self._get_input(step, results) results.update( { step_name: ( ( step["model"].fit_predict( input, return_list=return_list ) if isinstance( step["model"], ( _TrainableUnivariateDetector, _TrainableMultivariateDetector, ), ) else step["model"].predict( input, return_list=return_list ) ) if isinstance(step["model"], _Detector) else ( step["model"].fit_predict(input) if isinstance( step["model"], ( _TrainableUnivariateTransformer, _TrainableMultivariateTransformer, ), ) else step["model"].predict(input) ) ) if fit and (step_name not in skip_fit) else ( step["model"].predict(input, return_list=return_list) if isinstance(step["model"], _Detector) else step["model"].predict(input) ) } ) if return_intermediate: return results else: return results[last_step_name]
[docs] def detect( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], return_intermediate: bool = False, return_list: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], ], ], Dict[ str, Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[ Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp] ], ], ], ], ]: """Detect anomaly from time series using the pipenet. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series to detect anomalies from. return_intermediate: bool, optional Whether to return intermediate results. Default: False. return_list: bool, optional Whether to return a list of anomalous events, or a binary series indicating normal/anomalous. Default: False. Returns ------- pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, list, or dict Detected anomalies. - If return_intermediate=False, return detected anomalies, i.e. result from last detector. - If return_intermediate=True, return results of all models in pipenet as a dict where each item represents the result of a model. - If return_list=False, result from a detector or an aggregator will be a binary pandas Series indicating normal/anomalous. - If return_list=True, result from a detector or an aggregator will be a list of events where an event is a pandas Timestamp if it is instantaneous or a 2-tuple of pandas Timestamps if it is a closed time interval. """ return self._predict( ts, fit=False, detect=True, skip_fit=None, return_intermediate=return_intermediate, return_list=return_list, )
[docs] def transform( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], return_intermediate: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], ]: """Transform time series using the pipenet. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series to be transformed. return_intermediate: bool, optional Whether to return intermediate results. Default: False. Returns ------- pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, or dict Transformed time series. - If return_intermediate=False, return transformed series, i.e. result from last transformer; - If return_intermediate=True, return results of all models in pipnet as a dict where each item represents the result of a model. """ return self._predict( ts, fit=False, detect=False, skip_fit=None, return_intermediate=return_intermediate, )
[docs] def fit_detect( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], skip_fit: Optional[List[str]] = None, return_intermediate: bool = False, return_list: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], ], ], Dict[ str, Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[ Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp] ], ], ], ], ]: """Train models in the pipenet and detect anomaly with it. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series to detect anomalies from. skip_fit: list, optional Models to skip training. This could be used when pipenet contains models that are already trained by the same time series, and re- training would be time consuming. It must be a list of strings where each element is a model name. Default: None. return_intermediate: bool, optional Whether to return intermediate results. Default: False. return_list: bool, optional Whether to return a list of anomalous events, or a binary series indicating normal/anomalous. Default: False. Returns ------- pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, list, or dict Detected anomalies. - If return_intermediate=False, return detected anomalies, i.e. result from last detector. - If return_intermediate=True, return results of all models in pipenet as a dict where each item represents the result of a model. - If return_list=False, result from a detector or an aggregator will be a binary pandas Series indicating normal/anomalous. - If return_list=True, result from a detector or an aggregator will be a list of events where an event is a pandas Timestamp if it is instantaneous or a 2-tuple of pandas Timestamps if it is a closed time interval. """ return self._predict( ts, fit=True, detect=True, skip_fit=skip_fit, return_intermediate=return_intermediate, return_list=return_list, )
[docs] def fit_transform( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], skip_fit: Optional[List[str]] = None, return_intermediate: bool = False, ) -> Union[ Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], ]: """Train models in the pipenet and transform time series with it. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series to be transformed. skip_fit: list, optional Models to skip training. This could be used when pipenet contains models that are already trained by the same time series, and re- training would be time consuming. It must be a list of strings where each element is a model name. Default: None. return_intermediate: bool, optional Whether to return intermediate results. Default: False. Returns ------- pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, or dict Transformed time series. - If return_intermediate=False, return transformed series, i.e. result from last transformer; - If return_intermediate=True, return results of all models in pipenet as a dict where each item represents the result of a model. """ return self._predict( ts, fit=True, detect=False, skip_fit=skip_fit, return_intermediate=return_intermediate, )
[docs] def score( self, ts: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], anomaly_true: Union[ pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], Dict[ str, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]], ], ], scoring: str = "recall", **kwargs: Any ) -> Union[float, Dict[str, float]]: """Detect anomalies and score the results against true anomalies. Parameters ---------- ts: pandas Series or DataFrame Time series to detect anomalies from. anomaly_true: Series, or a list of Timestamps or Timestamp tuple True anomalies. - If pandas Series, it is treated as a series of binary labels. - If list, a list of events where an event is a pandas Timestamp if it is instantaneous or a 2-tuple of pandas Timestamps if it is a closed time interval. scoring: str, optional Scoring function to use. Must be one of "recall", "precision", "f1", and "iou". See module `metrics` for more information. Default: "recall" **kwargs Optional parameters for scoring function. See module `metrics` for more information. Returns ------- float Score of detection result. """ if scoring == "recall": scoring_func = recall # type: Callable elif scoring == "precision": scoring_func = precision elif scoring == "f1": scoring_func = f1_score elif scoring == "iou": scoring_func = iou else: raise ValueError( "Argument `scoring` must be one of 'recall', 'precision', " "'f1' and 'iou'." ) if isinstance(anomaly_true, pd.Series): return scoring_func( y_true=anomaly_true, y_pred=self.detect(ts, return_list=False), **kwargs ) else: return scoring_func( y_true=anomaly_true, y_pred=self.detect(ts, return_list=True), **kwargs )
[docs] def get_params(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Get parameters of models in pipenet. Returns ------- dict A dictionary of model name and model parameters. """ return { step_name: step["model"].get_params() for step_name, step in self.steps.items() }
[docs] def summary(self) -> None: """Print a summary of the pipenet.""" df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["name", "model", "input", "subset"]) for step_name in self.steps_graph_.keys(): if step_name == "original": continue df = df.append( { "name": step_name, "model": self.steps[step_name]["model"].__class__.__name__, "input": self.steps[step_name]["input"], "subset": ( self.steps[step_name]["subset"] if "subset" in self.steps[step_name].keys() else "all" ), }, ignore_index=True, ) print(tabulate(df, headers="keys", tablefmt="simple", showindex=False))
[docs] def plot_flowchart( self, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, radius: float = 1.0, ) -> plt.Axes: # pragma: no cover """Plot flowchart of this pipenet. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib axes object, optional Axes to plot at. If not given, the method will create a matplotlib figure and axes. Default: None. figsize: tuple, optional Width and height of the figure to plot at. Only to be used if `ax` is not given. Default: None. radius: float, optional Relative size of components in the chart. Default: 1.0. Returns ------- matplotlib axes object Axes where the flowchart is plotted. """ self._validate() radius = radius * 0.1 # create empty plot if (ax is None) and (figsize is None): figsize = (14, 16) if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) # get coordinate of components layers = [] # type: List for graph_step, values in self.steps_graph_.items(): if values[1] == 0: layers.append([]) layers[-1].append(graph_step) n_layer = len(layers) max_n_comp = 0 coord = dict() for layer in layers: n_comp = len(layer) max_n_comp = max(max_n_comp, n_comp) for comp in layer: x = self.steps_graph_[comp][0] y = self.steps_graph_[comp][1] - (n_comp - 1) / 2 coord[comp] = (x, y) # plot connection lines, and gather patches io_patches = [] # type: List detector_patches = [] # type: List transformer_patches = [] # type: List aggregator_patches = [] # type: List for step_name, step in self.steps.items(): end_coord = coord[step_name] if isinstance(step["model"], _Detector): detector_patches.append(Circle(xy=end_coord, radius=radius)) elif isinstance(step["model"], _Transformer): transformer_patches.append(Circle(xy=end_coord, radius=radius)) elif isinstance(step["model"], _Aggregator): aggregator_patches.append(Circle(xy=end_coord, radius=radius)) if isinstance(step["input"], str): input = step["input"] start_coord = coord[input] if ("subset" not in step.keys()) or (step["subset"] == "all"): linestyle = "-" else: linestyle = "--" plt.plot( [start_coord[0], end_coord[0]], [start_coord[1], end_coord[1]], color="k", linestyle=linestyle, zorder=1, ) else: for counter, input in enumerate(step["input"]): start_coord = coord[input] if ( ("subset" not in step.keys()) or (step["subset"] == "all") or (step["subset"][counter] == "all") ): linestyle = "-" else: linestyle = "--" plt.plot( [start_coord[0], end_coord[0]], [start_coord[1], end_coord[1]], color="k", linestyle=linestyle, zorder=1, ) plt.plot([n_layer - 1, n_layer], [0, 0], color="k", zorder=1) io_patches.append(Circle(xy=(0, 0), radius=radius)) io_patches.append(Circle(xy=(n_layer, 0), radius=radius)) # draw components ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(io_patches, zorder=2, color="y")) ax.add_collection( PatchCollection(detector_patches, zorder=2, color="g") ) ax.add_collection( PatchCollection(transformer_patches, zorder=2, color="c") ) ax.add_collection( PatchCollection(aggregator_patches, zorder=2, color="m") ) # label components with step names for key, value in coord.items(): ax.annotate( key, (value[0] - radius, value[1]), zorder=3, color="k" ) ax.annotate("result", (n_layer - radius, 0), zorder=3, color="k") # add legend plt.legend( handles=[ Line2D([], [], color="k", label="full connection"), Line2D( [], [], color="k", linestyle="--", label="partial connection", ), Circle([], radius=radius, color="y", label="input/output"), Circle([], radius=radius, color="g", label="detector"), Circle([], radius=radius, color="c", label="transformer"), Circle([], radius=radius, color="m", label="aggregator"), ], bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0, ) # clean up axes ax.set_xlim([-radius - 0.1, n_layer + radius + 0.1]) ax.set_ylim( [ -(max_n_comp - 1) / 2 - radius - 0.1, (max_n_comp - 1) / 2 + radius + 0.1, ] ) ax.set_axis_off() ax.set_aspect(1) return ax