"""Module for aggregators.
An aggregator combines multiple lists of anomalies into one.
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import pandas as pd
from .._aggregator_base import _Aggregator
from ..data import validate_events
[docs]class CustomizedAggregator(_Aggregator):
"""Aggregator derived from a user-given function and parameters.
aggregate_func: function
A function aggregating multiple types of anomaly.
The first input argument must be a pandas DataFrame, a dict of pandas
Series/DataFrame, or a dict of event lists.
- If a pandas DataFrame, every column is a binary Series representing a
type of anomaly.
- If a dict of pandas Series/DataFrame, every value of the dict is a
binary Series/DataFrame representing a type or some types of anomaly;
- If a dict of list, every value of the dict is a type of anomaly as a
list of events, where each event is represented as a pandas Timestamp
if it is instantaneous or a 2-tuple of pandas Timestamps if it is a
closed time interval.
Optional input argument may be accepted through parameter
The output must be a list of pandas Timestamps.
- If input is a pandas DataFrame or a dict of Series/DataFrame, return
a single binary pandas Series;
- If input is a dict of lists, return a single list of events.
aggregate_func_params: dict, optional
Parameters of `aggregate_func`. Default: None.
def __init__(
aggregate_func: Callable,
aggregate_func_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> None:
self.aggregate_func = aggregate_func
self.aggregate_func_params = aggregate_func_params
def _param_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return ("aggregate_func", "aggregate_func_params")
def _predict_core(
lists: Union[
Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]],
List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]],
) -> Union[
pd.Series, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]]
if self.aggregate_func_params is None:
aggregate_func_params = {}
aggregate_func_params = self.aggregate_func_params
return self.aggregate_func(lists, **aggregate_func_params)
[docs]class OrAggregator(_Aggregator):
"""Aggregator that identifies a time point as anomalous as long as it is
included in one of the input anomaly lists.
def __init__(self) -> None:
def _param_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return tuple()
def _predict_core(
lists: Union[
Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]],
List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]],
) -> Union[
pd.Series, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]]
if isinstance(lists, dict):
if isinstance(next(iter(lists.values())), list):
clean_lists = {
key: validate_events(value) for key, value in lists.items()
return validate_events(
for clean_predict in clean_lists.values()
for window in clean_predict
else: # a dict of pandas Series/DataFrame
return self._predict_core(
pd.concat(lists, join="outer", axis=1)
else: # pandas DataFrame
predicted = lists.any(axis=1)
predicted[~predicted & lists.isna().any(axis=1)] = float("nan")
return predicted
[docs]class AndAggregator(_Aggregator):
"""Aggregator that identifies a time point as anomalous only if it is
included in all the input anomaly lists.
def __init__(self) -> None:
def _param_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return tuple()
def _predict_core(
lists: Union[
Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]],
List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]],
) -> Union[
pd.Series, List[Union[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], pd.Timestamp]]
if isinstance(lists, dict):
if isinstance(next(iter(lists.values())), list):
clean_lists = {
key: validate_events(value, point_as_interval=True)
for key, value in lists.items()
time_window_stats = {
key: pd.Series(
[0] * len(clean_predict)
+ [1] * 2 * len(clean_predict)
+ [0] * len(clean_predict),
window[0] - pd.Timedelta("1ns")
for window in clean_predict
+ [window[0] for window in clean_predict]
+ [window[1] for window in clean_predict]
+ [
window[1] + pd.Timedelta("1ns")
for window in clean_predict
for key, clean_predict in clean_lists.items()
} # type: Union[Dict, pd.Series]
time_window_stats = {
key: value[~value.index.duplicated()]
for key, value in time_window_stats.items()
time_window_stats = (
pd.concat(time_window_stats, axis=1, join="outer")
time_window_stats = time_window_stats.all(axis=1)
status = 0
last_t = None
aggregated_predict = []
for t, v in time_window_stats.items():
if (status == 0) and (v == 1):
start = t
status = 1
if (status == 1) and (v == 0):
end = last_t
aggregated_predict.append((start, end))
status = 0
last_t = t
return validate_events(aggregated_predict)
else: # a dict of pandas Series/DataFrame
return self._predict_core(
pd.concat(lists, join="outer", axis=1)
else: # pandas DataFrame
predicted = lists.all(axis=1)
predicted[predicted & lists.isna().any(axis=1)] = float("nan")
return predicted